Some advices to young developers

Eder Negrete
2 min readOct 12, 2017

A lot of young people out there are getting their first jobs as developers, I’m a 21 y.o. Frontend Developer, and I want to share some experiences that I had for the past year working in a serious business.

You’re not at school any more

There’re deadlines. You’re part of a team, if you fail the team fails, now you have responsibilities, real ones. But, don’t be afraid your team is gonna help you.

Be true to yourself

Always stay true to your convictions, always listen to your inside voice, don’t let anyone change that. Set your flag. I’m not telling you to be a mind closed guy, you should listen, learn a lot.

You’re working on a team

You’re working on a team. As I said before, now you’re not working on your own, you’re part of the team. And you should involve. Go to eat with them, know them, know the product, know what you’re and why you’re doing it.

Talk to people

Don’t be afraid to talk to anyone. It’s amazing how much you learn when talking to other people, not only in the team. Talk to a PM, to a designer, to anyone. You are gonna learn a lot of things, and you can have a bigger perspective of things.

Take advantage

You’re young. You have more energy, read a lot, test things, propose, code a lot, try, fail, try again.

